JUGOPETROL AD informs its shareholders that payment of dividends starts on 5th July 2023 (Wednesday) in all branches of Erste Bank AD Podgorica, in accordance with the Decision adopted at the regular Annual General Meeting of shareholders held on 7th June 2023.
The total gross amount of dividend which will be paid to shareholders is 6.515.559,40 EUR.
The gross dividend per share amounts to 1,40 EUR. The net dividend per share for Montenegro residents amounts to 1,19 EUR.
Shareholders – physical persons are required to present a valid identification document to the bank.
Shareholders - legal entities are required to deliver payment order to the bank, on the company's letterhead and in the form available on the bank's website: www.erstebank.me, in all branches of Erste Bank AD Podgorica, and on request via e-mail address: info@erstebank.me and dividenda@erstebank.me
The right to dividend have shareholders registered in the list of shareholders of JUGOPETROL AD with the Central Securities Depositary and Clearing Company on the date when the Decision on dividend payment was adopted, i.e. on 7th June 2023.