JUGOPETROL AD hereby informs
its shareholders that dividend payout, pursuant to the Resolution passed by the Extraordinary GM held on 30.03.2021, commences on 19.04.2021 (Monday) through all the branches of Erste Bank AD Podgorica.
Total gross amount of dividend
which will be paid out to shareholders is 1.396.191,30 EUR.
Gross dividend per share is 0,30
EUR. Net dividend per share is 0,273 EUR.
Shareholders – physical
persons are obliged to present to the bank their valid identification document.
Shareholders – legal entities
are obliged to provide to the bank their order for dividend pay-out on
letterhead of their company and in the form that is available on web site of
the bank, i.e. www.erstebank.me, in the branches of Erste Bank AD Podgorica, and at the
request sent to the following e-mail: info@erstebank.me and dividenda@erstebank.me
All shareholders registered
in Central Securities Depository and Clearing Company'sList of Shareholders of JUGOPETROL
AD on the day on which the Resolution on distribution of dividend was passed,
i.e. on 30.03.2021 are entitled to receive the dividend.