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Notice of Convening Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders 2022


Pursuant on Article 139 paragraph 2 of the Law on Companies (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 65/2020 and 146/2021) and Article 27 of JUGOPETROL AD Articles of Association and Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company Ref. No. 73463, dated 7th October 2022, the Board of Directors of the Company announces   









I.                        The shareholders of JUGOPETROL AD are hereby informed that the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for 18th  October 2022 at 11.00 hours, in hotel CUE, Conference 1, Cetinjska 7, The Capital Plaza, 81000 Podgorica has been amended by adding an additional item therein to read as follows:


“4. Passing Resolution on Amendments to the Articles of Association”



  The amended Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders shall read as follows:




1.       Opening and election of working bodies:

a.       Chairman of the General Meeting,

b.       Voting Data Committee,

c.       Recording Secretary,

d.       the Minutes verification shareholder;


2.       Cessation of office of the members of the Board of Directors;


3.       Appointment of members of the Board of Directors;


4.       Passing Resolution on Amendments to the Articles of Association.



II.                         Resolutions under all items of the Agenda, except for item 3, shall be taken by majority of votes of shareholders who attend the General Meeting or who are represented by proxy provided that the General Meeting of Shareholders is attended by shareholders holding at least 1/2 of the total number of shares (2.326.986 out of total 4.653.971 shares). Resolution under item 3 of the Agenda shall be passed by cumulative voting.


III.                        Hereby we kindly remind shareholders that the materials and resolution proposals for the General Meeting of Shareholders have been made available as of 14th September 2022 and that the materials and resolution proposal as to the extended agenda shall be available as of the day of publication of this Notice. The shareholders can have access to the overall documents on every business day from 8.00 till 16.00 hours at the premises of the Company HQ at Stanka Dragojevica bb, 81000 Podgorica and on the website of the Company www.jugopetrol.co.me.


IV.                        Shareholders who shall propose a member(s) of the Board of Directors have to submit ground information on a candidate(s), date and place of birth, qualification, curriculum vitae, and the signed statement of acceptance of candidacy and declaration that a candidate(s) meets the eligibility criteria provided under the Law. The template of the statement herein shall be published with this Notice at the Company’s web-site: www.jugopetrol.co.me

Shareholders may submit the documents referred herein prior to the day of holding the Extraordinary General Meeting in the Company HQs building, at Stanka Dragojevica bb or on the same day and in the place of holding the Extraordinary General Meeting.

Shareholders may exercise their shareholders rights at the General Meeting of Shareholders in person, by proxies or by voting with the voting ballots certified by a competent authority in accordance with the legislation in force.


V.                         The template of the proxy and voting ballot herein shall be published with this Notice at the Company’s web-site: www.jugopetrol.co.me and will be available to the shareholders in hardcopy.


VI.                        The procedure for identification of shareholders and verification of the documents based on which shareholders may attend the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be done in the premises of the venue specified under item I. herein, starting  from 9.00 hours on the day of the meeting. 


VII.                         This Notice, proposal of resolutions and materials for the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be made available to shareholders in the deadlines set under the Law, at the premises of the Company HQ building, at Stanka Dragojevica bb, Podgorica every business day from 08-16 hours.


VIII.                         For all additional information regarding the Extraordinary General Meeting please contact the Company’s Secretary: +382 20 401 802.





President of the Board of Directors

Panagiotis Loukas